Alcis jubata † 2015 Aphodiinae † 2010 Cottus gobio † 2009 Sympterichthys unipennis † 2015

The Natural History Museum of Lost Ecology is an online exhibition that emerged out of a longing for a language for nature and species.

The online ex­hi­bi­tion is an at­tempt to find new such lan­guages and com­mu­ni­ties where, through the artist’s con­tri­bu­tions, new pos­si­ble lan­guages and con­nec­tions are wo­ven. The mu­seum is a re­sult of a com­mon in­ter­est in find­ing new ways in which vi­sual de­sign and art can aid in the con­ver­sa­tion about our chang­ing cli­mate. In or­der to in­crease the con­ver­sa­tion on bio­di­ver­sity and preser­va­tion. We con­sider this pro­ject as a col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween sci­ence and art by bridg­ing and pre­sent­ing the dis­ci­plines, ma­te­r­ial and mat­ter to­gether. As sci­ence is pre­dom­i­nantly man­i­fested in the form of writ­ing or num­bers, we are invit­ing vi­sual artists and mak­ers to cre­ate art­works of the species for this form of ex­hi­bi­tion. The ex­hi­bi­tion takes the form of an on­line mu­seum as a way of tak­ing our con­tem­po­rary nat­ural his­tory out of the dust and breed­ing new life into it. We want to pre­serve mem­o­ries as mu­se­ums do best, be­cause we now feel a need to pre­serve and to take care more ur­gently than ever.

 The exhibiting artists are tak­ing de­par­ture from the Nordic Red Lists of species at high risk of global ex­tinc­tion. The Red List is a reg­is­ter of plants, an­i­mals and fun­gal species that have been as­sessed to be at risk of ex­tinc­tion. The Red List pro­vides an over­all overview of how en­dan­gered a species is and whether the num­ber and habi­tat of species are sta­ble or in progress of de­cline. The Nat­ural His­tory Mu­seum of Lost Ecol­ogy is a Nordic col­lab­o­ra­tion with con­trib­u­tors pre­dom­i­nantly from Fin­land and Den­mark. It is an on­go­ing pro­ject which con­tinue to build the mu­seum of the (al­most) lost ecol­ogy. Grieve, enjoy or celebrate – Administration of the Museum

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